The Dark Beneath the Ice - OSRIC (*.PDF)

The Dark Beneath the Ice Cover.png
The Dark Beneath the Ice Cover.png

The Dark Beneath the Ice - OSRIC (*.PDF)


This adventure takes your players inside the foreboding walls of the Dark Elf prison outpost located far below the surface of the arctic and overlooking the ice-blue underground river, T’lan. Built by the exiled House Ronquar, the Dark Elves bring their prisoners from the surface and process them here before transporting them to their distant main compound for sacrifice to the demoness, Ultiana. The outpost serves as a staging point for their surface raids where the jet-black Elven galleys head down the icy blue underground flows to the open arctic sea and along the coastline of the nearby whaling villages of the tundra’s Arctic Elves.

This adventure assumes an experienced party of players with characters of an average level 10, well-equipped with a blend of magic items, healing resources, and utility items to conceal themselves when overwhelmed by superior numbers.

The inspiration for this adventure dates to 1978 in my childhood when a group of eight of my teenage friends all ventured into the Vault of the Drow. D3, an Advanced Dungeons & Dragons adventure, should be hailed as one of the most significant writings of our generation, so original in its ideas that its themes became the basis for villains and heroes in novels, books, and campaigns for decades to come. Even then, we wondered what could be beyond the hexes of the main adventure where underground rivers, lakes, passageways tempted further exploration. My goal with this writing is capturing some of that sense of adventure that TSR never expanded upon, but through the brilliant old school-style fantasy gaming foundation of OSRIC™ System (Old School System Reference and Index Compilation™).

This booklet uses trade paperback format (5-1/2” x 8-1/2”) which is inexpensive to print if you enjoy having a physical copy. This format is easy to read on mobile devices in single page view and on laptops in two page view while serving as nostalgic homage to Marc Miller’s Traveller.

  • 35 Page original adventure for characters on an average level of 10th.

  • OSRIC™ System (Old School System Reference and Index Compilation™)

  • New Enemy Dark Elves of House Ronquar.

  • Underground prison, raiding outpost location, ideal for a rescue or jailbreak style one-shot.

  • Multiple story and adventure seeds t help you integrate into your own world.

  • Includes keyed and unkeyed maps

  • High resolution map for VTT use, (3534p by 2494p)

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