Return to the Indigo Oasis - Pathfinder Remaster Compatible Adventure
Return to the Indigo Oasis - Pathfinder Remaster Compatible Adventure
Sale Price:$1.99 Original Price:$4.99
Welcome to, Return to the Indigo Oasis, the official sequel to the popular one-shot Pathfinder Compatible adventure, The Indigo Oasis. Your players must travel back in time to stop events connected to the original Indigo Oasis prequel that alter history before their own existence is wiped off the face of Golarion.
20 page landscape format full color booklet, ideal for electronic devices such as laptops, iPads, and MS Surface.
An original map of the Taratia Spring (5400 x 3600 *.png map with 1” grid 18” x 27” at 200dpi)
Connectivity to the original Indigo Oasis with Jana Tinan and more.
Makes full use of the Pathfinder Iconic characters as enemies!